Proposal - Water Bottle Filling Stations
Project Description: Funding will be used to install five water bottle filler retro fits stations. The locations for stations and bottle refill retro fits are identified based on the following criteria:
Current water fountains meet the Design Guidelines for installation of bottle refill stations.
Lowest cost installation for refill stations, in house installation (plumbing only, minimal electrical work, if needed and no major construction.)
Installation can be conducted by Facilities Management.
Only five fountains can be retro fitted with bottle fillers.
Stations will be placed where existing fountains stand.
Student and Faculty have shown interest in installing Bottle Refill Stations.
Background: This proposal builds upon a similar installation of Bottle Refill Stations in the Business Management school. Business students approached the universities Facilities Management Assistant Director for Energy Conservation & Sustainability and asked “What would it take to get a water bottle filling station at within the Business Management school?” A student organization created a campaign to raise the money for the bottle refill station and created an awareness campaign within their school. The organization raised the funds and the dean matched the dollars they raised. Once the project was funded, Facilities Management was able to get a Buy One-Get One Free deal, later the fountains were installed.
The university shared a post from Facilities Management’s Facebook page about the new water bottle refilling station that was installed in another building. The post received 60 Likes - the Associate Vice President for Administration, Facilities Management declared that water bottle refilling stations would be the standard within all future building that are being constructed at the university. This new standard was put into place after the newest building was constructed, so a retro fit couldn’t be installed at the time in the new building without incurring additional costs.
Impact: The installation of two water bottle refilling stations within the Business Management school from spring 2013 to June 24, 2014 the fountains combined has filled over 30,000 water bottles. This kind of green interaction allows for students, faculty and staff to partake in a simple way to be green, by reusing and refilling their water bottle at the nearest fountain. The installment of these stations not only is a green perk for the user, but also for the university. The more people refill their reusable water bottle they are helping in lowering waste impact, which benefits the university on waste management. A reduction of waste can lead to a reduction in energy usage that can be linked with removal and disposal of the waste.
Order and Installation Process:
Approval for funding of Water Bottle Refilling Retro fit Station.
Contact Facilities Management to arrange the ordering and installation of Retro fit Bottle Filling Station.
Fill out Work Order Request form.
Work with Facilities Management to arrange a date for installation.
Install new Water Bottle Filling Station.
Celebrate the success of adding a new green feature to the building.
Follow up with goals from this proposal to continue to reduce waste, promote the new water bottle refilling stations and encourage a sustainable at the university.
Goals: Prioritize water fountain retro fits with bottle fillers for five locations within the newest campus building on the first, second and third floor. Increase awareness of environment and to use reusable drinking containers, which in turn reduces the purchase and disposal of single-use plastic water bottles. Talk to other student groups and departments that may be interested in the project. Continue to support green campus initiatives to reduce waste, promote new water bottle refilling stations and encourage a sustainable culture on campus.
****For the privacy of the university and organzations, names and detailed information were removed from this content. The purpose of this Proposal Letter is to stand as a formal writing sample.****