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Jolly Christmas at Home: Zoom'ing With Santa Claus

Christmas is always a joyous time of year for our kids as it is filled with so many fun and memorable things that includes 1 jolly person that goes by many names; Saint Nicholas, St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Père Noël, Santo Clós, Pelznickel (not going to lie, I didn't know about that one) and of course, his most famous name SANTA CLAUS! Some of the key things that my little ones look forward to are:

  • Decorating the Christmas tree and hanging their stockings for Santa

  • Watching the Christmas parade in excitement waiting to see Santa on his sled

  • And of course the ultimate holiday experience - visiting Santa Claus and telling him all of the things they want for Christmas

Christmas 2020 - the year of creating new holiday experiences in the mist of this crazy pandemic. I have been on the hunt to build out a list of fun holiday ideas to make this holiday season just as memorable as.

While I was on the hunt, I stumbled upon one idea that has already been a hit - Virtual Santa! Brilliant, right?

So that got me thinking back to when I was a kid in the 90's, when we use to track Santa Claus's travels around the world. It was such a fun experience then, that I still remember today in my 30's. I don't know about you, but I love connecting traditions from my past and re-creating it for my kids. So when I found Zoom with Santa, it got me so excited because I am able to create a fun memory for my kids, just like I had back when I was kid.

I'm sure some of you may be unsure if your little ones would be into this style of communicating with Santa, well think about how they communicate with their Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles, Cousins, and Friends virtually. Do they interact and get excited to talk to people via video call? Well if you answered yes, then Zoom'ing with Santa is for you!

So with all of my Googling, and scrolling through Pinterest I found this site that offers a lot of options to help me to create the coolest and most memorable Santa experience for my kiddos.

Virtual Santa is the next best thing to seeing him at the mall!

Here are the details to this cool experience that we have created for our kids with the ultimate virtual experience with Santa!

  • Zoom video chat with Santa (just like the work Zoom calls mom & dad have)

  • This is one of the world's first Santa Video Call service (they started back in 1999). They have an actor (looks just like Santa!) and he'll video call your kiddos no matter where they live in the world.

  • Santa will talk to 2 children on 1 Zoom Santa Call (additional cost for more then 2 kiddos).

  • Santa can talk about anything you mention in the form fill: family pets, kids hobbies, their Christmas wishlist or anything else you would like him to mention. You (parent, grandparent, or any other family or friends) add it and he will talk about it. I liked this part, because it makes it even more real for the kids.

  • Santa Claus can video call on Christmas Eve or any day in December & speak to 2 children on one Zoom Santa Call. I liked doing it earlier in the season so he can help me lay down the ground work of being "Nice" during the holiday season.

  • This call is just like any other Zoom call - a meeting ID will be emailed to you 1 hour before the Santa Zoom Call. So be ready for the call!

So the cost for the Zoom call is pretty reasonable, $15. I think the cost is totally worth it, for the smile and beaming giggles of excitement from my kids to see and talk to Santa. Oh, and Santa's elves shared with me a great coupon code so you can save 10% off anything on the website too! How cool is that? >> Enter the Promo Code at checkout: CJUKWVLKW9

Random, I have the tune of "Here comes Santa Claus" running though my head", with a remix: Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus, signing into Zoom. :-)

Another super cool option that this site offers is a letter from Santa!! I like this idea as it can be a keepsake for your kiddos that they will cherish and hold onto throughout the season. As much as our kids these days LOVE technology, they are just like us and get giddy when they have mail with their name on it. My daughter loves to pull out letters that others have sent her and she keeps them all right by the books on her bookshelf. So this letter from Santa is a go-to to help us make this a memorable holiday season.

Here is why I love the idea of using this site to send my little ones a letter from Santa:

  • Personalized Santa Letter - Santa can write about anything that your little ones are into: pets, friends, Christmas lists, hobbies and more.

  • Their stationery is so pretty and well designed to catch the eye of your children. Oh and it has a North Pole motif on candy cane envelope. How fun is that? I kind of want one too!

  • It comes with a FREE Christmas Eve door hanger. This is a cute must-have to include in your checklist for any child expecting a visit from Santa.

  • You can add a few optional gifts when you create a Santa Letter including: Cookie Dough Mix (this is a cute idea), Santa Teddy & Magic Snow. These additions can help you make the letter even more special + memorable.

  • Personal Video Message option. Santa will film a stunning customized video message based on his letter & include a login to his secret website (filmed at the North Pole).

Yes, it cost a few dollars ($5.00), but its so worth it! Because this super cute letter from Santa can be a keepsake for your kiddos that they will cherish and hold onto throughout the season. And as much as our kids these days LOVE technology, they are just like us and get giddy when they have mail with their name on it. My daughter loves to pull out letters that others have sent her and she keeps them all right by the books on her bookshelf. So this letter from Santa is a go-to to help us make this a memorable holiday season.

Join me and my family in the fun during this crazy 2020 holiday season and hop on a call with Santa. It's totally worth it. :-) Or have him send your kiddos a letter. Oh, don't forget to use my promo code from Santa's elves: >> Promo Code (10% off whole site): CJUKWVLKW9

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